The Importance of Standalone Online Learning Modules

Online learning has taken the world by storm. Over the last few years, it has emerged as the preferred mode of instruction for learners of various ages. Of course, this means that there are plenty of online resources available, covering a wide range of subject. But, educators and subject matter experts continue to create standalone online learning modules. The modules they build are customised and tailored to meet the needs of their unique learners. It may seem like extra work, but educators believe that standalone modules have a much better impact than rehashed and reused online learning content. If you’re an educator who is contemplating creating a standalone module, we’re here to help. Here’s a look at how you can develop an original online learning module that will help you fix common online learning issues.

How to Create Standalone Online Learning Modules

Step 1: Link Your Content to Real Life

linkBefore you start creating a standalone module, you must ensure that it has a real-life application. If you’re working on a training session for a workplace, this is all the more crucial. Think about what content gaps currently exist and see if you can fill them. You can also ask yourself the questions that learners typically have about that particular topic or subject. By doing this, you’ll be able to build standalone online learning modules that learners can benefit from and enjoy.

Step 2: Outline Learner Outcomes

Next, you need to detail your learner outcomes. Start by asking yourself what you’d like students to achieve at the end of the module. Each goal should be a short, focused statement. Once you have your outlines, you can weave them into your module. Make sure that your online course will allow students to achieve the outcomes you’ve set. You can create a single storyline that helps your learners connect one topic to the next. By doing this, you ensure they enjoy a seamless learning journey.

Step 3: Break Each Session Down

Test OftenToday, learners have incredibly short attention spans. So, you need to create small lessons instead of lengthy ones. Smaller sessions of just five or ten minutes will work far better than a single hour-long class. Look at each topic you need to teach and break it down into smaller chunks. To grab attention and boost engagement, you can also incorporate visual aids in your online learning course.

Step 4: Test Often

Once your standalone online learning module is ready, you can share it with your learners. But, to make sure that it’s working the way you’d like, you need to test your students as often as possible. Quick tests at the end of every lesson or every week will help you understand if your module is successful. By testing early, you can also quickly identify and rectify issues your learners might be facing.

You can quickly and easily create standalone online learning modules on TG Campus. Our platform is easy to use and allows you to create new modules or build on existing ones. We have a robust testing mechanism that provides analytics of each learner’s performance. You can use this information to provide additional guidance and support as required. With TG Campus, you can achieve all your online learning goals with ease.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.