Repeating the NEET? 10 Strategies and Tips for Exam Preparation

We all understand the NEET is a prestigious exam and a challenging one as well. There are lakhs of NEET aspirants, and the number keeps growing each year. This makes the exam more competitive than ever. If you too hold such aspirations, you surely will be applauded. But if you have attempted and not cleared the exam, there is nothing to worry about. Since it’s an uphill task, you may have to take it a second time or even a third. But what is important is that you are focused on clearing it. However, there are ways and means to succeed in this exam. So, if you are reattempting NEET, it will be good for you to look at these NEET repeater tips.

Decide your dream marks!

This is crucial as this will help you reach your goal and stay motivated. Be realistic about the score though, as you will have to cover that much to attain it. Alternately, you can decide on your ‘dream college’ or even your AIR score but focus on being practical and realistic about it.

Know the syllabus thoroughly

Now you are familiar with the syllabus, so understanding it will be easy. However, reading it again will only help as now you can segregate the subjects as per your strengths and weaknesses. You can jot down subjects where you need more revision and focus on them.

Make a robust study plan

NEET repeater tips - Make a robust study planYou may have created a study plan earlier but created a fresh one now. Be methodical and focus on your weak topics first. Tackle the easier ones later. A lot more time for the difficult topics and the ones that carry more weightage. Keep this plan flexible according to your needs going forward.

Analyse your mistakes

A key dropper strategy for NEET is to be aware of the main reasons for your failure and analyse your mistakes. This is important as only then will you be able to work on your shortcomings. Therefore, take the previous year’s question paper and jot down the analysis after each question.

Complete your syllabus by December

Tips for NEET droppers - Complete your syllabus by DecemberIt is particularly important to complete the entire syllabus by December. So, right from taking notes, to reading the NCERT study material, to solving modules, everything must be complete by this time. Because, after this, you must only focus on revising intensely and taking mock tests.

Enrol in a good online institute

Joining a good online coaching class is essential as well-qualified and experienced experts will tutor you. You will get proper guidance, and you can get your doubts cleared promptly by them. Plus, it will boost your confidence. TG Campus has excellent online classes that you can explore and enroll in.

Refer to diverse study material

NCERT undoubtedly rules, as most of the questions are straight out of these books. But, referring to various study materials is also important. This will give you a unique perspective on the same topics/problem/concept. But stick to only a few popular ones and those recommended by your tutors.

Focus on concept clarity

This is another crucial NEET dropper tip, as gaining clarity about core concepts will strengthen your foundation. Therefore, avoid rote learning and make understanding concepts a priority. This way, you can tackle any question with ease, no matter how tough it is.

Take mocks, solve sample papers and previous years’ papers

Focus on taking mock tests, solving previous years’ papers and even sample papers from January to March. These will help you gain speed and accuracy, improve your problem-solving and time-management skills. Plus, doing this will boost your overall confidence about taking the exam.

Revise, revise, and revise

You must revisit what you have learnt periodically. This reinforces your grasp of complex concepts and strengthens them. Revise a topic after you’ve learnt; repeat it after 15 days, then after a week and so on. Revision improves your ability to recall what you’ve learnt, in turn boosting your performance.

While the above are some particularly important tips for NEET droppers, it is important to indulge in hobbies, stay healthy by eating right and exercising as well. Although this will be a reattempt, it does mean you have to spend all your time studying. Going out and spending time with your family and friends will help you stay motivated and positive as well. So, for all those who are in the repeater batch for NEET 2024, we wish you luck all the way!

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Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.