Tips and Tricks to Ace your CA Foundation Prep in the Last 3 Months

You’ve only three months left for the CA Foundation exam. Although you’re well-prepared, it’s natural to get anxious as the exam date nears. Over thousands of students take this prestigious exam and put in 100% effort. Yet, only 1% manage to clear it. So, what do these students do that makes them sail through this tough exam? And what strategies do toppers adopt to excel in it? All they do is adopt smart study techniques over simply doing hard work. Here, we share some smart tricks to follow for your CA Foundation preparation with only three months on hand.

Make a study timetable

CA Foundation preparation tips - Make a study timetableCreating a solid study schedule and sticking to it sincerely is the first step. Allot enough time for each subject/chapter/topic. By now, you have a fair idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Hence, allocate time to study accordingly, giving more time to the weaker topics.

Know the syllabus thoroughly

Next, you must be well-versed with the syllabus of CA Foundation. You must be aware of all the topics and their importance. This gives you insight into what chapters and/or topics carry more weightage in the exam. Being thorough with the syllabus aids in your preparation.

Create your own notes

how to crack the CA exam - Create your own notesThis is a powerful way to understand and retain what you’ve learnt. Plus, it will help you in revision as well. Therefore, make your own notes while studying and even while attending your lectures. Self-made concise notes help in understanding concepts and in revising a topic quickly.

Master the calculator

Your papers will be lengthy, and the use of a calculator is a must. The ICAI expects students to use it and not do any calculations manually. So, get a command over the calculator and learn tricks and shortcut keys. This is one more important tip on how to crack the CA exam.

Focus on understanding concepts

Unless you understand what you are studying, you will never learn and master it. This is especially true for concepts. Merely memorising never helps, so, focus on understanding them to get conceptual clarity. Understanding concepts will also help you solve problems easily.

Pay attention to presentation

This is another aspect of utmost importance in the CA Foundation exam. This exam consists of two objective and two subjective papers. Subjective papers must be well-presented, neat, clear and easily understandable. So, do your rough work on rough sheets and keep the answer sheet clean.

Join a coaching institute

Enrolling in a coaching class will help in completing your studies in three months and excel at the exam. Your tutors will guide and mentor you and clear any doubts as well. TG Campus offers online classes for CA Foundation as well as an integrated course for Class 12 and CA Foundation.

Also read: How to Choose the Right Coaching Institute for the CA Foundation Course?

Solve test papers

Solving past years’ papers and taking mocks will give you a deep understanding of your preparation level. It will make you aware of the paper pattern, marking scheme, and topics that carry more weightage. It will also increase your speed and accuracy, thus enhancing your time management skills.

Also read: The Importance of Solving CA Foundation Question Papers

Revise and revise more

Revision solidifies what you’ve learnt, ensuring longer retention and recall. Apply the three-time revision technique, which involves multiple readings, referring to your notes, and solving papers. It means you must revise everything at least three times before your exam.

Stay focused and motivated

Staying focused on your goal is crucial to completing your studies and acquiring the desired scores. It brings discipline in life, which leads to success. Similarly, when you’re motivated, you will automatically get good results. It will also help you gain confidence in your abilities and efforts.

Students who excel at the CA Foundation exam and those who top it follow the above strategies. Along with these, it is vital to remember and follow some other points as well.

  • Take periodic breaks of 10-15 minutes every 2-3 hours to stay refreshed and rejuvenated
  • Stick to your own timetable and avoid changing it based on someone else suggestions
  • Be realistic while creating your study schedule
  • Avoid asking your peers about what they are studying
  • Practise leads to perfection; therefore, write and create charts, notes
  • Allot half a day in the middle of the week to complete any backlog
  • Avoid social media and use it only when necessary
  • Indulge in hobbies and interests to refresh your mind and stay energized
  • Engage in a physical exercise routine to stay fit
  • Eat nutritious meals and get enough sleep and good sleep to stay healthy
  • Most importantly, spend time with family and friends to stay emotionally healthy

Finally, we all know that there are no short-cuts to hard work. However, how you work towards attaining your goal is in your hands. An exam such as the CA Foundation is a prestigious and competitive one. It is a door to your dream of becoming a CA, and it is crucial to ace it. While you may chalk out a perfect plan and employ all the strategies mentioned above, it is also necessary to enrol in a solid CA Foundation online course. As stated earlier, it will give you all the required help and guidance in our preparation. TG Campus has excellent online programmes for the same as well as a test series and previous years’ papers. We urge you to explore these and bolster your exam preparation.

Also read: CA Foundation December 2023 Dates Announced!

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.