Your Guide to Designing Lessons Based on Current Research
We live in a fast-paced world. Every day, new discoveries and scientific advances come to light. Education must also evolve at a quick rate to keep up with contemporary research. Changing the curriculum in regular classrooms can be a difficult task. While teaching online, designing lessons based on current research is easy to accomplish. Online courses are considered the future of education as they can keep up with changing research. Let’s take a look at what educators can do to design up-to-date lessons.
Designing Lessons Based on Current Research
1. Check If the Research Stands Out
Every course is only as good as the reference material used to create it. If you’re designing an online lesson based on contemporary research, you must be extra careful. Make sure you check all the literature available. If something stands out more than it should, investigate it further. This research will likely become crucial in the future.
2. Ask If the Research Is Useful
The ideas that you infuse into your course should add value to your learners’ lives. Before you add information to your lesson, ask yourself if it is useful in everyday scenarios. Will it help further a student’s career or knowledge of a subject? If the answer to the question is no, you should omit that content from your class.
3. Ask If the Research Stands the Test of Time
Designing lessons based on current research can be tricky as the results can change overnight. So, you need to ensure that your classes will stand the test of time. Nobody wants to learn something that could become obsolete in a few months. Make sure you only use research that is verified and supported by multiple experts. If not, you could end up changing your lessons more often than you should.
4. Define Your Learning Objectives
Once you have your reference material sorted, you can begin structuring your lessons. Start by defining your learning objectives. List out everything you want your learners to achieve once they complete your course. You can use the goals you’ve created to work backwards and develop assessments.
5. Create Your Assessments
Your assessments will depend entirely on your objectives. Let’s assume your goal is for students to apply a mathematics formula to various equations. The tests you create should check how capable they are of using the formula to solve sums.
6. Design Your Lectures
The last step is creating your actual lesson. You already have your reference materials, learning objectives and assessments. Now, you must present the material to your students. To increase retention, make use of graphics. Remember, you should always use videos in online learning courses.
To create courses based on contemporary research, you can sign up on TG Campus. Our easy-to-use platform allows you to design and update your lessons as required. Our fully-functional whiteboard enhances the online learning experience. We have a robust testing mechanism that offers detailed analytics of each student’s performance. With TG Campus, designing courses based on current research is quick, easy and fun!