Benefits of Solving Previous Years’ Question Papers to Ace IIT JEE

The Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) is the most sought-after and one of the most competitive exams in the country. And the JEE Mains is your stepping stone for entry into one of the most prestigious institutes as well. However, only studying rigorously and sincerely does not assure you of a seat at the IIT. Along with diligent studying, you must also solve previous years’ question papers to hone your skills and everything you have learned so far. If you are still unsure, read on to understand how solving JEE Main’s previous papers will help you in cracking the IIT JEE.

It helps in understanding the exam pattern

Solving previous years’ question papers helps in understanding the exam pattern, the marking scheme, and the kind of questions that are asked. Besides, you will learn about the chapters that carry more weight than others. You will also get acquainted with the critical level of questions that are asked and will learn about the topics that have been repeated through time. Moreover, you will know if you have missed any important topics and if you have, you will be able to focus on them till you have time.

It increases your focus and concentration

Solving these question papers will automatically increase your focus and concentration as you will get accustomed to sitting for three hours, thus building your stamina and focussing on completing the paper in this given time. Also, solving JEE Advanced’s previous years’ papers will help you understand which questions to prioritize and attempt first and which ones to leave towards the end.

It helps in better time management

JEE Mains Previous Papers with Solutions Download

You have to complete the exam in three hours and answer questions to the best of your ability and accurately. Hence, time management is crucial to speed and accuracy, and solving previous years’ papers will help you hone this skill as well. Remember, you have only a few minutes to answer a question and answer it accurately. Also, solving these papers will help you create shortcut tricks to answer Physics and Maths questions, especially the numerical ones, thus saving your time.

It helps in self-analysis

The JEE syllabus is vast, and while preparing for the exam, you may get confused about the topics to focus on more and the ones to leave for later. Solving JEE Main’s previous papers gives you an insight into all this and also into your strong and weak areas. Also, you will understand which topics/areas are your strengths and which ones need more work. Besides, by solving these papers, you will understand how to avoid negative markings as you will be able to identify your weak areas.

It builds up your confidence

JEE Advanced Previous Year Question Paper with Solution PDF

When you make it a practice to solve previous years’ papers regularly, it boosts your confidence about your performance in the exam. You will overcome any fear, anxiety, and nervousness that you may have about the test and help you stay calm and relaxed. Thus, you will be self-assured and free of any tension while taking the exam. Moreover, solving JEE previous years’ papers will prepare you for the pressure of appearing for the actual exam.

Solving previous years’ papers has many benefits, and if you are aiming for the IIT, we suggest you solve these on a regular basis. Be sure to solve papers of at least the past 10-15 years, as the more you practice, the more you will be proficient in solving the actual paper with confidence and a calm mind. This will help you greatly in cracking the IIT JEE and scoring high marks as well.


Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.