3 Apps That Every Student Should Definitely Use!
Smartphones have changed the face of the world. So much that it is one of the serious addictions around the world. Psychologists have published several research papers citing this problem. But they also mention that the judicious use gives wonderful results. The smartphone dependency of the people is uniform across the age groups. Right from a toddler to an aged person, everyone either has a smartphone on them or a tablet. Moreover, the smartphones are a rage amongst the teenagers.
Smartphones have been causing more damage to the academics than drugs today. But it is quite simple to flip all the negatives to positives with simple thinking. You read about apps which are harmful to children and teenagers. But today we will discuss 3 types of must-have smartphone apps on every kid’s smartphone. Read on –
Personal Safety App
One of the main concerns of the parents is that the students often venture out with their friends. Most of the times, the children are always in the range. But sometimes, the children are not able to reach out to their parents in emergencies. A simple solution is the Safety App.
There are many smartphone apps that have been specifically developed for the students. Himmat, Shake2Safety and Safetipin are some of the most lauded ones in India. The design of these apps enables the students to raise an alarm with just a click. These apps then send your live location to your family and closest of friends. There are situations where you need some intervention, and these apps offer that. Some of these apps also have an auto-dialler set to call up the police helpline around you.
Fun Fitness App
Not all the children are hell-bent only on studying. Some of them are really eager to keep themselves fit. But the schedule doesn’t allow these regimes. It is here where the fitness apps come into the picture.
Apps like 30 Days Fitness Challenge, My Diet Coach have worked great for students. Due to their study routines, they are cannot keep a tab on what all they eat. With growing bodies and drained brains, it is impossible for them to keep a track on their diet. These apps do this work for them and these kids can get on with their studies and preps without any worry.
Alarm App
Alarm clocks, in-built alarms in the smartphone have time and again failed to wake us up. But has this resulted in you getting to the class late every day?
There are some amazing alarm apps that have designed for the heavy sleepers. There is one, Alarmy! It is one of the most effective alarm apps on the rack. It is a morning task-based alarm that turns off only if you complete a set of tasks given to you. And these tasks are not the same every day. This results in the user becoming conscious and it is easy to get out of the bed.