An Educator’s Guide to Building Consistency Across Online Learning Curriculum

Consistency plays a vital role in education. Every textbook uses a format to present information to learners. When students refer to their books, they know what to expect. With online education, teachers have to strike a critical balance. They need to be consistent without being monotonous. Finding a way to keep classes connected without making it repetitive can seem impossible. Here’s a look at how online educators can build consistency while still engaging with students.

Building Consistency Across Online Learning Curriculum

Create a Storyboard Template

YCreate a Storyboard Templateou can create a stencil that you intend to use for every lesson. Include guidelines on how you present headlines, sub-headings and more. You can even create a colour palette that helps learners instantly recognise vital information. Include details on how many images or graphics you will include in each class or module. Or, you can choose to use only audio files in one lesson and video files in the next. By creating a template, you provide your students with familiarity. You also ease your job of building an online course. You can revise your storyboard template as required to incorporate feedback from students.

Put Resources in Order

Next, you need to think about the information you want to include in your online learning course. You want every topic to have a definition, explanation, example, exercise and quiz. So, you maintain consistency in what you give the learners. But you may want to start one lesson with an explanation and another with a definition. You can rearrange your resources to keep students engaged.

Build a Template Kit

Build a Template KitJust like with storyboards, you can create a class template for your online learning portal. Once you have the framework ready, you can change the information for each class and upload each lesson quickly. The kit you build allows you to maintain consistency across modules. It also helps you reduce the time required to create an online learning course.

Update Your Course Regularly

Once you have a template in place, upgrading your course becomes easy. You can incorporate new visuals or change the way you present crucial information. Remember to replicate the changes across all lessons. By upgrading every class, you help your learners establish mind patterns. These patterns enable students to chart learning paths and boost retention.

Evaluate Your Definition of Standardisation

Evaluate Your Definition of StandardisationMany online educators worry about creating a standardised course. They believe that templates could lead to cookie-cutter classes that do not offer customisations. But a standardised online learning course allows you to maintain your standards. You ensure your content and teaching style remains consistent. Templates also help you identify content gaps and provide you with opportunities to bridge them.

If you’d like to build consistent and engaging online courses, you can sign up on TG Campus. The platform allows you to create a template and upload content efficiently. The learning management system has several tools that help educators engage with learners and clear their doubts. You can even use the discussion board to ask for learner feedback and update your course as required.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.