Online Learning: Challenges and Solutions

With the onset of the digital age, there has been an increase in the number of enrolments for online courses. This is because online education has proven to be far more flexible and advanced, giving students a chance to develop and learn better.

Besides, online learning offers all levels of education right from high-school algebra to college-level calculus, statistics and more. This not only helps students receive a high-quality education but also allows tutors to accommodate all their students’ needs.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the amazing benefits of online learning:

1. Flexibility:

Online learning assists in distance education. This greatly benefits those who may not be able to attend classes in person. In this way, programs or universities can help educate a vast number of people by reaching out to them digitally. This is one of the main reasons why online education is gaining popularity in India. 

2. Efficiency:

These courses have made online learning quite efficient. For example, now students can interact through discussion forums, blogs, videos and journals. Providing learners with audio/video feedback has also proved to be beneficial. 

3. Engagement:

Learning through online platforms has also known to increase healthy student engagement. This in return enhances the performances of students and motivates them to learn better. It also helps students build relationships with peers and instructors, which enables them to engage in detailed and intellectual interactions.

  • Challenges and solutions

While there are several benefits, we cannot deny the fact that there is room for improvement in the online learning industry. Let’s take a look at some of the challenges faced by this industry:

  • Fear of technology

Even though online learning provides immense convenience, the older generation may not appreciate it the idea of attending online classes, let alone relying on technology for an entire course. Some might have a lot of doubts. Since they didn’t have internet, it’s difficult for them to adapt to the ever-changing technology and learn its significance now.

As a solution, professors should undergo appropriate training required for the curriculum. Students should check the background of tutors or the kind of resources the site has to offer, before enrolling.

  • Fear of cheating

Another major challenge is the increased risk of cheating. Students could potentially create false identities to get through tests or exams.

This can be controlled by using strict and remote examination techniques that can enhance the integrity of the online learning industry. The remote proctoring systems have become quite sophisticated and reliable with time. It disables the possibility of cheating and increases the level of trust for online learning techniques.

  • Lack of adaptability

To avoid this scenario, artificial intelligence can be manipulated to adjust content and cater to the needs of the students. A student’s weakness, strengths, engagement, goals and patterns can be easily ascertained. This could also help in customising courses to a great degree.

As online teaching techniques are constantly evolving, their impact simply cannot be underestimated.  The online industry might face a couple of challenges but there’s always scope for improvement.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.