What Should be Your Focus During the CA Foundation Preparation?

Being a Chartered Accountant is truly an excellent career option. A challenging one, it is also the most popular one among most Commerce students. And CA Foundation is the first step to realising that dream. However, while studying hard and smart is important, there are some aspects to focus on more for this test. Here is what must be your focus while preparing for this competitive exam.

Logical Reasoning and Statistics

One of the most important topics in this exam, it is especially important if you are a non-Maths student. Maths and Statistics comprise a major chunk of this paper, and Logical Reasoning covers the rest. But Maths and Statistics are equally divided. Hence, do focus on these topics as they are also the most scoring ones. We suggest you enroll in CA Foundation classes for guidance from experts.

Master the calculatorCA Foundation preparation - master the calculator

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) allows calculators in the exam. Hence, we suggest that you master the use of this device and be an ace at it. Learn and master all the shortcuts, the keys and the various functions to help you in your calculations. Remember, the papers are usually lengthy, and therefore, mastery over the calculator will save you crucial time.

Presentation matters

Do keep in mind that the CA Foundation is a professional exam and unlike your school or college tests. Thus, be very clean and precise in your presentation of answers. The subjective papers demand writing, and hence, you must practice it as much as you can. Write down your answers and then compare them with those of your tutors or the suggested ones. But, do be clear and accurate.

CA Foundation online mock tests and questions papers

Solving CA Foundation mock tests and past years’ papers is a must. These will help you in time management, increase your speed of solving the paper, enhance accuracy, and acquaint you with the paper pattern. Besides, you can even analyse your strengths and weak areas this way and work on those. We suggest you solve these as you complete each chapter to evaluate your preparation.

Revision is the keyCA Foundation preparation revision is the key

True, solving the CA Foundation 2021 question paper will help you a lot, but you must revise repeatedly. First off, you revise the entire topic and mark similar questions to save time. The second time you revise one question for each type and mark the tough and important ones. Finally, focus on these tough and important ones, and the ones that you feel need to be revised again.

There are scores of CA Foundation preparation tips, and yes, the importance of the CA Foundation mock test series cannot be stressed enough. However, even though you may be well-prepared and very confident, there are some ‘focus areas’ you must take into account. The above points will help you not only clear the exam but garner high scores in it as well.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.