Online Learning Design and Development Mistakes to Avoid

Online education has transformed the way we interact with information. As more students turn to online learning, educators face an uphill climb. They must understand their online learners and build courses that engage them. With it comes to online lessons, graphics play a crucial role. Educators understand how visuals impact learners and work hard on their online learning design. Let’s take a look at the design and development mistakes online educators make:

Online Learning Design Mistakes to Avoid

Not Getting Familiar with the LMS

Online educators use a Learning Management System (LMS) to build their lessons. Before making the course available, they must get familiar with the LMS. As an online teacher, you must use whatever tools are available to build engaging classes. Check what kind of media you can upload and share before picking an LMS. If you need a little help to get familiar with the system, ask for a demonstration. Check the mechanisms available to administer tests and track student progress. By learning as much as possible about the LMS, you empower yourself to build better lessons.

Losing Focus of the Primary Objective

Losing Focus of the Primary ObjectiveBefore creating a course, every educator must outline their objectives. What do they hope to achieve at the end of the lesson? Sometimes, teachers lose sight of their aim and get caught up in creating colourful and graphic-based classes. Educators must keep their objectives at the heart of everything they do. It will guide them as they break down each module. By keeping the primary aim in mind, you ensure that it informs every online education decision.

Having Chunky and Verbose Modules

In the world of online learning design and development, simplicity is crucial. Educators must chunk the content so that one lesson doesn’t become too long or heavy. People have very short attention spans today. So, teachers need to work around lengthy modules. Using bullet points instead of sentences or paragraphs can help encourage students to engage with the content.

Adding Irrelevant Content for Aesthetics

Adding Irrelevant Content for AestheticsMost online educators know that visuals can make or break their course. Unfortunately, they may focus more on aesthetics than substance. While building a lesson, you must ensure that you only add content that adds value for the learner. Avoid adding something simply because it looks nice or makes the page appealing. Use graphics when you can, but only if it helps you achieve your primary objective.

Forgetting About Navigation

Educators sometimes focus on online learning design instead of navigation. Remember, your students may not be familiar with online courses. You must ensure that they can quickly find the information they require. Instead of worrying about putting additional graphics on your presentation, ensure you have a visible menu. Highlight where students can find learning materials and how they can get in touch with you. These measures will go a long way in creating successful and engaging lessons.

You can sign up with TG Campus to build engaging courses. Our easy-to-use platform ensures quick navigation for you and your students. The LMS supports various file formats, allowing you to upload content that suits every type of learner!

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.