Preparation Tips and Tricks for NEET 2021

Preparing for the National Testing Agency’s (NTA) NEET exam is not an easy task. Students spend months and years mastering the syllabus in the hope of securing a seat at a medical college. Several hopefuls have already completed the 2021 NEET application process. But, as the exam date comes closer, nerves tend to take over. To help hopefuls ace their exams, here’s a quick look at some preparation tips for NEET 2021. Candidates should keep these points in mind as they gear up for the upcoming entrance test.

Preparation Tips for NEET 2021

1. Organise Your Thoughts

Once you’ve complete the application process, it’s time to get serious. But before you even start studying or revising, you need to get organised. Double-check the syllabus and make sure you have all the notes you need. Once you’re sure you have everything, put your notes together in a logical flow. These small but crucial steps will make it easier for you to get through all the material.

2. Create a Timeline

TimelineWith just a few months left before the exam, it’s time to create a timetable. Make sure you have enough time to review and revise the syllabus. Try and limit yourself to a single chapter or topic per day. If you try and do more, you could end up feeling overwhelmed or overburdened. If you’ve been studying online, you can review old recordings and online notes. Make sure you stick to the timetable you’ve created so you can get everything done on time.

3. Work with Flashcards

The NEET requires candidates to remember a lot of new terms, facts, figures and definitions. Flashcards make all this information easy to remember. You can create a set of flashcards while you revise each chapter or topic. Create a card for every important term, definition or fact you come across. You can then go through the flashcards regularly to commit the information to memory.

4. Complete Practice Exams

Practice ExamsAfter revising the material, it’s time to test your knowledge. Practice exams allow you to get familiar with the 2021 NEET exam pattern while testing your knowledge. Make sure you follow the paper timings during your practice run. If you have the time, you should attempt multiple practice papers. Remember, the more you practice, the better it is for you. Every time you start a new mock exam, try and improve on your previous score.

If you’re currently preparing for the upcoming NEET 2021, you should sign up on TG Campus. We offer multiple NEET courses, including a 4-month crash course that helps you revise. Once you sign up, you will gain access to our highly educated and experienced teachers. They will clear all your queries about the upcoming exam. You will also be able to access our repository of mock exams and past papers. These preparatory exams will help you gain mastery over the subject matter and the paper pattern. With these helpful preparation tips for NEET 2021, we’re sure you’ll ace the upcoming exam!

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.