Tips to Create a Distraction-free Study Zone While Learning Online

Online learning allows people of all ages to learn at their own convenience. Over time, the online learning landscape has changed. Features such as cloud-based learning have made learning a lot smarter and encourage individuals to learn at their own pace. But, it isn’t always easy to focus when there are so many distractions all around.

There are numerous amazing benefits when it comes to online learning. If you’d like to enjoy them, you can follow this guide to create a distraction-free study zone.

Create a Study Space

Create space for study

Finding a place to study while at home can be difficult. Due to space constraints, most people may end up doing their online courses from the comfort of their bed. Or, people who are busy might be moving from one room to the next, completing a few chores along the way. This can make it even harder to focus on the study material. Instead, create a dedicated study space. It could be any spot in your home that you use solely to study. Ideally, it should have a lot of light and should not face a door or window, which can be incredibly distracting. Once you have a study space, it becomes easier to focus on the task at hand.

Unplug All Other Devices

It may seem odd to talk about unplugging while learning online. But, the reality is that many people are easily distracted by text messages or e-mail alerts. When you sit down to study, make sure you activate the Airplane mode on all devices that you aren’t using. If you’re learning with the help of your phone, you can activate the Do Not Disturb feature. This will allow you to use the phone while blocking call and message alerts, so you can focus on studying.

Take Breaks Outside the Study Area

Another common mistake that people make is taking short breaks while in their study space. This can be distracting as it confuses your brain. Ideally, when you enter your study space, your brain knows that it has to focus. If you end up playing a game at your desk, your brain receives mixed signals about what it needs to do. Whenever you take a break, make sure you move out of the area. You can go for a walk or even sit somewhere else in the room.

Invest in Your Internet and Yourself

When studying online, the most important thing a person needs is a good internet connection. Faster connections with higher data allowances might be expensive, but it’s a worthwhile investment. A good connection is especially important during live sessions. At these times, a slow speed could ruin the entire online learning experience. With a quick connection, you can enjoy the course. A slow speed could lead to lags, during which time it is easy to get distracted.

These tips will help you created a distraction-free study space. Once you start learning online, you can also build an online learning community. This community can help you out when learning online can seem difficult or overwhelming. With a distraction-free study space and a good community, online learning can be an enlightening experience.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.