Tips to Create the Perfect Study Plan for CA Foundation 2023

The CA Foundation exam is only three months away, and aspiring candidates are gearing up for it. Their CA Foundation preparation is in full swing since there are only a few weeks to go. As the exam nears, it is also natural to feel anxiety and experience stress and nervousness. However, if you have a perfect study plan, there is no cause for worry. Here, we tell you about a study plan to break the monotony of studies while keeping that stress at bay. Crafting a perfect study schedule and following it will also help in scoring a high rank in the exam.

Design a study schedule

This is very important and crucial to your exam prep. Many aspirants feel that creating a timetable is simply a waste of time, but it is not so. In fact, not creating one will be a major mistake. A timetable will help you chalk out your study schedule properly as it will help you allocate time to every subject easily. This way, it will be easy for you to stay organised and keep track of your progress as well.

Join a good coaching class

There are several coaching institutes that offer a crash course in CA Foundation. You can look up the one that suits you and fits your schedule and goal and enrol in the best online coaching for CA Foundation. Here, you will get the required guidance and mentoring by expert tutors. Besides, you can get your doubts cleared easily and also have access to class notes and other reference material.

Be thorough with the syllabus and pattern

It is very important to be well-versed with the syllabus first to even begin planning your study schedule. You must know what the syllabus constitutes as well as the exam pattern. This will help you in chalking out your entire plan. Also, knowing the exam pattern and marking scheme will help you understand the importance of topics and the weightage they carry.

Focus on the study material

CA Foundation study tips: Focus on the study material Now there are many reference books available in the market for all the subjects of the CA Foundation. However, it’s prudent to stick to the ICAI-approved study material only. You can have access to it on the official website of ICAI. As far as other study material is concerned, your tutors at the coaching class will recommend reference books by subject matter experts.

Make your own notes

CA Foundation study tips: Make your own notesAnother important feature while prepping for the exam is to create your own handwritten notes. Supplement your study material with your own notes while studying. Maintain a small notebook for writing these and keep them short and to the point. Review these and make changes as required. Making your own notes also helps you learn faster, and remember and recall a topic better.

Break down and understand complex topics

This means that you must avoid rote learning and simply studying day after day. Focus on understanding the topics you’re studying. Breaking down complex topics into nuggets makes them easy to comprehend. Trying to understand a topic while studying is key to remembering it and hence, recalling it during your exam with ease.

Take mock tests and solve previous years’ papers

Focus on taking mocks, solving sample papers, previous years’ question papers, and also a CA Foundation Test Series. Doing this will help you self-assess your preparation, as well as give insight into your strong and weak areas. This way, you can work on your weak areas. Also, you will learn to manage your time better, analyse each question correctly, and will avoid making silly mistakes.

Also read: The Importance of Solving CA Foundation Question Papers

Present your answers well

Many students ignore the way they present their answers, which is a big mistake as presentation is important. There are two subjective papers; it is very important to learn about presenting your answers in a clean and concise manner. Therefore, start practising writing your answers and run them by your tutors. Or, you can look up the suggested answers and compare them with the ones you’ve written.

Stress on revision

This one aspect can never be undermined. Remember, you will be able to answer the questions only when you have revised what you’ve learnt. Therefore, revise regularly and dedicate a day each week to this activity while preparing. While revising, refer to your handwritten notes and your tutors’ notes, and devote the last month before the exam to your final revision.

Along with the above, there are some other pointers that must be integrated into your prep journey. Include the following while studying for the exam and see your confidence soar.

  • Consider your personal learning style while creating a schedule
  • Focus on giving more time to objective papers, as here, you can score or lose marks
  • Focus on your weak spots and work on them by devoting extra time
  • Create deadlines and stick to them no matter what, to stay on top
  • Use flashcards, short summaries to memorise important points and concepts
  • Take enough breaks in your study sessions to avoid feeling burnt out
  • Stay focused and motivated throughout your preparation journey

Adopting and employing the above tips will greatly help you in preparing for your exam. However, while all of this is important, being consistent is what will help you stay on top of the game. When you start studying, you will be excited, but as you go on, the monotony is sure to set in. Do not let that happen. That is why you must take short breaks and engage in a different activity between your studies. Hence, do talk to friends, spend time with family, pets, indulge in your hobby to stay refreshed always.

Also read: Tips to Crack the CA Foundation Exam

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.