Your Guide to Creating a Successful Blended Learning Strategy
Blended learning has emerged as an important online learning trend in 2020. The benefits of blended learning are endless. It offers learners the flexibility of online learning and the robust help of in-person teaching. If you’re wondering how to adopt a blended learning strategy for your classes, you’re in luck. Here’s our guide to creating a successful blended learning strategy:
Step 1 – Identify Your Course Objectives
Start by asking yourself what you want the learners to know at the end of your course. A good blended learning course can help your students meet their own personal goals. Your objectives will serve as the starting point for your teaching strategy. They will help you identify what points you need to cover in your course. This will then help you recognise the correct tools to help you meet these objectives.
Step 2 – Understand How You Will Deliver the Course
There are many different ways to teach online. You can simply record and upload lectures that each learner can view. Or, you can use a mix of live classroom sessions with reading material that you upload. You can choose to have one-on-one sessions with each learner. Or, you can host group discussions with small groups. It’s important to think about how you will provide feedback and update the programme. You can use a ‘blended rotation’ schedule or opt for a project-based learning model. Remember that the goals you’ve outlined for the class will help you determine the best way forward.
Step 3 – Identify the Tools You Will Use
Today, there are a variety of tools available for online teaching. There are multiple video conferencing applications and online collaboration tools. You need to find the right kind of tools that will help you deliver your learning material to students. Will a simple video conference work or do you also require a whiteboard? How will you administer tests? Do you expect students to mail you assignments or will you create online questionnaires instead? The answers to these questions will help you find the right online learning tools.
Step 4 – Promote Engagement
Your course should almost be ready. You’ve understood your goals, decided how to deliver your course and found the right tools for the job. All that’s left is to interact with your learners and engage with them. Make sure you lay down communication guidelines for your learners. Let them know when and how you will be available to answer queries. If possible, promote group learning as well. Encourage students to work together on projects and use chat rooms to discuss important topics.
To quickly create a blended course, you can simply sign up with TG Campus. Our user-friendly platform provides you with a variety of tools that help you create your courses. From live chats to online classrooms and whiteboards, we have everything you need to create a successful blended learning course. Our robust testing mechanisms will help you understand how your students are doing. What’s more, our platform allows you to upload reference materials in a variety of formats. Your students can easily refer to presentations, PDFs and even e-books to make the most of their blended learning course.