7 Strategies to Eliminate Negative Marking at the JEE Mains

Each year, lakhs of students take the JEE Mains as it is ‘the’ gateway to engineering. This makes it a very competitive one, while it is naturally a very challenging entrance exam. It is also the first step for those who wish to secure a seat in one of the IITs.Therefore, most students go for online learning for JEE Mains as it gives them guidance and mentoring for the exam. Besides, online coaching gives you insight into the paper pattern, the type of questions asked, the topics carrying more weightage, and more. Most importantly, you become aware of the marking scheme in the exam. Since this exam has negative markings, it is very important to understand how to avoid it. Here, we tell you just that…

Read all the questions very carefully

It is important to read all the questions carefully before you start answering. You have to properly understand what is being asked in the question and then answer. Pay attention to those that have more than one correct answer. Strictly avoid any assumptions or take any questions lightly.

Answer questions that you are sure about firstJEE Mains Exam: Answer questions that you are sure about first

Now that you have read all the questions attempt those that you know the answers for…first. You will naturally find these ones easy, and answering them first will be quick too. Doing this will give you more time to focus on the ones that need more thought.

Skip questions that you do not know the answers for

Follow this at all costs, as trying to struggle with such questions will most likely backfire. Dwelling on any question for long will only take your time, thus leaving you hardly any to complete the paper. Remember, you do not lose marks for any question that you do not attempt.

Be careful about marking the wrong optionJEE Mains exam: Be careful about marking the wrong option

There will be times when you may feel confused at the options provided as they may look similar. Be very careful while answering such questions, as most of the time, there’s a slight variation in such answers. Taking live online tutoring for the JEE Mains will help you get expert guidance in this area.

Also read: 6 Time Management Tips to Help You Prepare for the JEE Main Exam

Use smart guesswork where relevant

While we say this, it is also important to understand that you must avoid random guesswork. Therefore, be intelligent while guessing and try to eliminate the answers that you know are wrong. Then, put a thought to the answer and go for the one you are most likely sure to be the correct one.

Avoid last-minute answers

Many students stress and take pressure about this exam and hence engage in the last-minute marking of answers. They fear that they may leave out questions and therefore answer at the very end. Doing this will only result in haste and, thus, wrong answers and mistakes. Thus, do avoid this.

Take mocks and solve sample papers

You never know what will be asked in the exam. Hence, it is very important to solve last year’s JEE Mains paper and take IIT mock tests. When you solve these, you automatically get practise of the actual exam as these papers are modelled accordingly. Thus, you get exam-ready in every way.

The JEE Main is a very important exam and a turning point in your academic journey. Along with the above points, it is important to avoid overconfidence, no matter how well-prepared you are. Take the JEE online test series available and keep practising these. TG Campus has an excellent one that helps you gain accuracy, speed and create awareness about your strong and weak areas. Applying these smart strategies will help you avoid negative markings and secure good scores as well.

Also read: Tips and Tricks to Solve IIT JEE Problems

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.