What Makes Online Learning Better Than Classroom Learning?
In the recent past, online learning has become incredibly popular. But, many still worry that it isn’t as effective as traditional learning. Can students learn everything they need to from video meetings and online assignments? Well, yes they can. Lots of people have realised that online learning can be better than classroom learning. If you’re wondering how this is possible, keep reading to find out.
Each Student Gets More Attention
In a traditional classroom setting, there’s one teacher for every 30-40 students. Online courses, on the other hand, have fewer students per class. This way, teachers have enough time to clarify each student’s doubts. Additionally, there are no classroom distractions. This allows students to focus on the task at hand. It also provides them with a chance to grasp concepts with ease.
The Student Sets the Pace
In traditional classroom settings, teachers follow a pace that most students can cope with. This could mean that above-average students are working slower than they should. Or, that below-average students get left behind. When it comes to learning online, students have the flexibility to choose what works for them. They set the pace of the entire course. If a student requires to focus more on one subject than another, they can choose to do so. If they need to go through the material of a single lecture several times, they are free to do that. This way, students can dictate how slowly or quickly they move through the course.
Direct Access to Experts
Students do not get to choose their teachers in a school. But, for online courses, students can pick which course they’d like to take depending on who is teaching it. Several experts in various fields teach online. This allows students to gain direct access to industry experts. With online courses, students can learn directly from people who are at the top of the field.
A Variety of Teaching Methods
Teachers can use different online resources to deliver course material to their students. The most common resources used are live sessions, recorded lectures and interactive videos. Most teachers share a good mix of videos and printable materials with their students. It’s important to use videos in online learning courses as they are very engaging and interesting.
Personalised Assignments
In traditional learning scenarios, every child is tasked with the same assignment. This isn’t the case with online learning courses. Since there are fewer students, teachers can assign different assignments to different students. This way, they can get each student to focus on a topic or concept that they are struggling with personally. This enables students of different capabilities to still enjoy success in class.
There are different types of online learning platforms that teachers and students can choose from. This is one of the reasons why online learning is so effective. It gives students a chance to decide how they want to learn. This means that students get to learn in whatever way suits them best.