How to Prepare for CSEET in One Month

The Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is scheduled to be held in a month. You are well-prepared for it, but now a bit puzzled as to how you must study further in this one month.Though you have prepared diligently through the past few months, there are some strategies for revision in that last month. Here’s what will see you through this one month.

Have a clear study scheduleCSEET study schedule

You obviously had created one and were following it diligently all along. However, with only a month left for the exam, you have to set short-term goals. Customise your study plan for each paper or a single topic to be completed in a day. Allocate a certain time period in the day for this. Short-term goals are easy to achieve and stick to as well.

Check your preparation with mock tests

With only a month left for the exam, we recommend taking the ICSI CSEET mock tests. Taking mocks will give you a clearer and better understanding of the real exam. This way, you will get acquainted with the paper pattern and even analyse your preparation so far. Then, you will know the questions you are struggling with or take longer to solve and focus on them while revising.

Refer to the CSEET bulletin

The official website of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) makes the reference study material for the exam available on their website. Besides, it also releases a CSEET bulletin monthly. This bulletin has the latest concepts and developments about the papers and other information related to the test. All this will help you stay abreast and updated about the upcoming exam.

Recheck the syllabus and paper pattern

Do recheck the syllabus thoroughly before you start revising. This way, you will know of any changes and will have enough time to cover up in case of any. Also, do get acquainted with the pattern of the paper. This will help you learn about the distribution of marks, the nature of questions, the marking system, and more. You will learn about the small details, which will boost your preparation.

Solve CSEET sample papersCSEET sample papers

Get hold of CSEET sample papers for your revision. This will help you keep track of the kind of questions that are asked and topics to expect in the test. Just like mocks, sample papers will also help you gauge your weak spots. You will have time to work on these in this one month. Moreover, solving sample papers will also familiarise you with an exam-like ambiance.

A mix of all subjects

With only a month left, you can focus on doing two subjects at a time. This will also reduce the monotony of one subject, and you will not get bored studying one for a long time. Also, this will help you stay on top of all subjects simultaneously. But do make sure that these subjects complement each other.
This is a tough competitive exam, and it is necessary to know all about the CSEET exam to beat the competition. While all the above tips are crucial, we cannot undermine the importance of the CSEET test series. The tests will help you immensely in your preparation. Also, we would like to stress upon the CSEET mock test series benefits here. The more you take mocks regularly, especially in this one month, the better prepared you will be. If you have been preparing well for the exam, you can use the last month to leverage that preparation effectively.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.